
Simplot will be at the School Nutrition Association’s Annual National Conference (ANC)

23 jun 2022

Simplot will be at the School Nutrition Association’s Annual National Conference (ANC)

The SNA’s Annual National Conference will be hosted in Orlando, FL from July 10-12. ANC unities school nutrition operators, industry partners and allied organizations for an all-out 3 day experience. Learn more about ANC ›

Simplot will be in attendance as a School Nutrition Foundation Sponsor. Attendees will get a chance to connect with our dedicated K-12 sales and marketing team. We will also have our Corporate Execute Chef Roberto on hand to share our most popular potato, vegetables, roasted vegetables, avocado, fruit and grain products that your kids will love!

Not only will we have our products on display, but you will get a chance to learn about all the additional offerings Simplot has to help you solve for things like labor, participation and waste. The first 100 people to stop by our booth (#245) on each day will receive a free T-shirt!

We hope to see you there. Learn more about Simplot’s K-12 Solutions ›

ANC Details:

Where: Orlando, FL
When: July 10-12, 2022    
Simplot’s Booth Number: #245