Category Delivery

Should you use a third party delivery service or keep it in-house?

Should you use a third party delivery service or keep it in-house?

The first big decision you'll have to make when implementing a new takeout and delivery program is whether to keep everything in-house or work with an established third-party service that handles the customer interactions and logistics.

04 sept 2020

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How to set up your operation for more efficient delivery and takeout

How to set up your operation for more efficient delivery and takeout

According to the National Restaurant Association, the operational aspect of implementing off-premise programs is most daunting to restaurant operators. So if you're overwhelmed by getting set-up, you're not alone.

02 sept 2020

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Simplot Introduces New Delivery-focused Fry That Holds 40+ Minutes

Simplot Introduces New Delivery-focused Fry That Holds 40+ Minutes

Simplot has begun shipping a new line of fries that operators around the world have been waiting for—fries that stay crisp 40+ minutes after cooking—longer than any other fries in the industry! What's more, they can be reheated to perfection at home in the microwave by their growing base of off-premise customers

13 jul 2020

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Study: Fries Becoming Even More Important During Pandemic

Study: Fries Becoming Even More Important During Pandemic

If you're interested in keeping off-premise customers coming back during the pandemic, there's one menu item that had better be good in delivery and takeout—your fries.

10 jul 2020

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14 Recipe Ideas for Mother's Day To-Go Meals

14 Recipe Ideas for Mother's Day To-Go Meals

You know what moms would like for Mother's Day? A break from cooking. Many operators scored a welcome success with Easter-themed to-go meals over the recent holiday weekend. With shelter-in-place orders continuing, it's a smart idea to begin planning how you can make Mother's Day delicious for moms in your area, while bringing in some additional revenue.

23 abr 2020

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11-15 of 18 Items
11-15 of 18 Items