Trend Feast

Trend Feast: How to Keep Kids' Menus Profitable

15 sep 2019

Trend Feast: How to Keep Kids' Menus Profitable

Is your kids’ menu building your bottom line? It should be.  

Oftentimes, operators use kids’ menus as a “loss leader,” selling kids’ menu items below cost to attract parents. The hope is to make up the difference—and then some—on the parents’ meals and drinks.

But there’s no reason your kids’ menu shouldn’t be contributing to your profitability just like the rest of your menu.

Here are three things you can make your kids’ menu more profitable:

  1. Use products and ingredients you’re already using. It’s always more efficient and cost-effective when you can leverage a single ingredient or product across multiple menu items. Turn up the novelty by adding a stick to common finger foods. Or simply offer kid-sized versions of your adult items.

  2. Offer a smart mix of proven favorites alongside globally-inspired options. The most popular classic kids’ dishes are still a good bet. But cuisines like Mexican and Chinese went mainstream long ago, and even more exotic tastes like Thai, Vietnamese and Indian are gaining favor with today’s kids. The point is to cover your bases with additional choices.

  3. Upcharge for value. Don’t miss an opportunity to charge a little more for items like premium sauces, dips and drinks. Or offer kids items in small for younger kids, larger sizes for older kids and charge extra for large.

According to research, kids play an important role in 93% of decisions on where their families eat out, so it’s important to offer them a great dining experience. But it’s just as important to make sure their choices are bringing value to you as well.

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