
Reimagining Christmas

20 May 2024

Reimagining Christmas

It’s hospitality’s favourite time of the year, with bonhomie and wine flowing in equal measure during long lunches and after-work gatherings as workers put more thought into spending time with colleagues, family and friends than their inbox. Now is the time to ensure you have some innovative and festive items on your menu. It can be a delicate balance to combine tradition with a dash of culinary creativity – particularly whilst ensuring your meals are simple enough to avoid putting additional demands on your stretched seasonal workforce. To help, we have curated a selection of simple, light menu ideas, paired with complementary wines.

Merry Christmas...

1. Guacamole & Chilli Prawn Tartlets

Kick off the feasting with these bite-sized sweet and spicy grilled prawns crown tartlets filled with guacamole. The creamy avocado pairs beautifully with the heat from the chilli prawns, offering a delicious contrast of flavours. The tartlets themselves add some crunch, making this appetiser an all-round sensory experience. Pair it with a light Pinot Grigio to complement the seafood and cut through the richness of the guacamole.


2. Sweet Potato Chip Antipasto Platter

An antipasto platter is a classic starter, but this one has a twist – sweet potato chips and crunchy coated prawns. The sweetness of the chips balances the savoury flavour of the cheeses, cured meats, tomatoes, and olives. Served with thick, crusty bread, this dish pairs well with a full-bodied Chianti.


3. Charred Prawn Skewers

Sticky glazed prawns with grilled zucchini and asparagus can be a delicious entrée or main course. The tangy marinade offsets the smoky, charred flavour of the prawns, creating a festive flavour profile. A buttery Chardonnay enhances the flavours of the prawns.


4. Salt & Pepper Squid with Greek Style Salad

For customers seeking something lighter, this dish is a great option. The tender squid, seasoned with salt and pepper, goes well with the crisp, fresh Greek salad. A Sauvignon Blanc, known for its citrus notes, would be the ideal wine match for this dish.


5. Vegan Passionfruit Meringue Pie

End the meal on a sweet note with a vegan passionfruit meringue pie. The tartness of the passionfruit is balanced by the sweetness of the meringue, creating a dessert that's not too heavy after a big meal. A late harvest Riesling, with its sweet and acidic balance, would be this dessert’s perfect companion.