Culinary Trends

Millennials: Catering to an Influential Generation

20 May 2024

Millennials: Catering to an Influential Generation

Millennials are taking over the restaurant scene, and savvy chefs are tailoring their menus to ensure they are catering for this influential generation. Born between 1981 and 1996, Millennials are expected to form 75 per cent of the workforce by 2025, making them an increasingly important target market for the hospitality sector.

Whether it's a hip vegan diner, an Instagram-worthy Cafe, or a high-end restaurant, these 25 to 40-year-olds are seeking dining experiences and flavours that differ from previous generations.

So, what are Millennial diners hoping to see when they view a menu?

Healthy Options

One of the key characteristics of Millennials is their preference for healthy food. They are more likely to choose whole foods and organic ingredients. For a simple and complete meal or side dish, you could include a Bean and Grain Salad, pulling together Edgell’s Black Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Chick Peas and Corn Kernels, along with quinoa, baby spinach, carrot, red capsicum, red shaved cabbage, topped with crumbled feta and tossed with a simple lemon dressing.

Plant Based Foods

Millennials are also more likely to follow plant-based diets than previous generations, with 25 per cent identifying as vegetarian or vegan. Luckily, Simplot offers a wide range of plant-based products. You can whip up a simple Tikka Masala & Bhaji Burger, a Plant Based Burger marinated in tikka masala sauce with a crunchy bhaji in a burger. Alternatively, a simple Bolognese using an Edgell Plant Based Mince, can provide a vegetarian or vegan version of this popular pasta dish.

Bold Flavours

Millennials enjoy ingredients and spices that pack a punch, with bold flavours including spicy peppers, garlic, and ginger. Edgell’s range of frozen vegetables makes it easy to pull together flavoursome dishes such as a Spicy Broccoli and Tofu Soup, a light and flavour-packed Asian soup with broccoli, tofu and rice noodles with chili flakes, soy sauce and lime juice.

Instagrammable Dishes

It’s no secret Millennials love taking pictures of their food. That's why ensuring your dishes are Instagram-worthy is essential when catering to this generation. Chicken Kiev With Potato Dauphinoise is an excellent example of a dish that can instantly make the rounds on social media. Simply plate Chiko Boneless Chicken Kiev with a creamy dish made with gold cream potatoes, double cream, grated nutmeg and crushed garlic and serve it with a side of steamed Edgell Green Beans. This pic-worthy dish is a treat for the taste buds as well as the eye. Looking for more recipes to tempt Millennials? You can get more ideas from Simplot’s database of recipes.