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World Population Day

Jun 16, 2023

World Population Day

Every year, World Population Day has a theme, which is a topic of focus for the same day. The theme of World Population Day 2022 is “A world of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future for all—Harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all,” as the world population approaches 8 billion.

Here are 9 fun facts of the population: 

  1. 7.8 billion – the current population of the world. 

  2. 1,442,857,138 – the highest population rate of a country in the world — China.

  3. 1,388,712,570 – the second-highest population rate of a country in the world — India.

  4. 1800 – the year when the world population hit one billion. 

  5. 200 – the projected number of years it will take for the population to double again.

  6. 2057 – the year The United Nations projects the world population to reach 10 billion.

  7. 90 billion tons – the number of resources extracted from Earth every year.

  8. 359 million metric tons – the global production of potatoes in 2020.

  9. 8.06 million metric tons – the global avocado production in 2020.

  10. 15,000 – the number of islands in Indonesia. 

  11. 350 – the number of ethnic groups in Southeast Asia. 

  12. 1,000 – the number of languages known to be spoken in Southeast Asia.