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Tasty Ways To Upgrade Your Ramen

Aug 04, 2023

Tasty Ways To Upgrade Your Ramen

Whether you’re a fan or not, instant noodles are here to stay. And what better way to enjoy them than to upgrade yours into a filling, complete meal? Instead of letting your leftover kitchen scraps rot in the fridge, keep reading to find out how to elevate your instant ramen!

#1 Switch up your broth

To make a lighter broth with less starch, boil your broth and noodles separately. You can add kewpie mayo or peanut butter to create a nice, creamy texture like the traditional tonkatsu ramen. Adding chicken/vegetable broth, sesame oil, or soy sauce will also help to bring out more umami!

#2 Add protein

A complete dish isn’t whole without some nutrient-packed proteins. Soft- and hard-boiled eggs are the easiest to prepare if you don’t feel like spending too much cooking. Plus, the yolk will unify the saltiness of the noodles and broth. Otherwise, you can go fancier and add tofu cubes, cooked chicken, edamame beans, sliced meat, you name it!

#3 Toss in some vegetables

You can count on them for texture. Toss in some quick-cooking vegetables or fungi like chopped bok choy, spinach, bean sprouts, or mushrooms. They not only make your ramen healthier, but they also add delicious flavors.

#4 Spice it up

Sprinkle some chili powder, Sichuan chili flakes, or Togarashi for a lip-smacking broth. Chili oil works perfectly, too!

#5 Garnish it

Make your ramen bowl look even more mouth-watering by garnishing it with ingredients that can add more flavor like dried seaweed, sesame seeds, sesame oil, or furikake seasoning.

#6 Stir-fry your ramen

Don’t feel like downing on soup on a hot day? Stir-fry your ramen—start by sauteing vegetables and add your sauce made from the seasoning packet, garlic, soy sauce, and a sweetener. Toss your noodles in the hot wok until they’re fully coated. Give these tricks a try and get ready to enjoy your instant ramen like a champion!