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Why Are Mandarin Oranges so Popular During Chinese New Year?

Feb 06, 2024

Why Are Mandarin Oranges so Popular During Chinese New Year?

During Chinese New Year, it's hard to miss the vibrant red decorations lighting up streets and homes. It's not just about looking good; red is like a lucky charm. People believe it's linked to things full of life and energy, like the sun, blood, and fire. So, when you see red during the celebration, it's like inviting good luck to the party.

And then there are those beloved mandarin oranges. These little citrus fruits have been stealing the spotlight for ages. But why are they so special during this festive time?

Well, it turns out mandarin oranges are more than just tasty treats. They're like the good luck ambassadors of Chinese New Year. When people exchange mandarin oranges, it's like passing good vibes and well-wishes. It's not just about the juicy fruit; it's about sharing prosperity, happiness, and all things positive.

In Chinese culture, sometimes words that sound alike don't mean the same thing. Take mandarin oranges, for example. When you translate it from English to Mandarin, it sounds like "ōugān," which means "gold and wealth" – a pretty good deal, right? And here's the cool part: in Cantonese, another type of Chinese, the word for gold is "gām," and it sounds a bit like "ōugān." So, mandarin oranges are like little golden bundles, bringing good vibes and prosperity during the celebrations!

So, next time you see those bright oranges popping up everywhere, remember they're not just a snack – they're a symbol of spreading good fortune and joy during the celebration.